martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Music: Dagmar Krause - Hans Eisler song You have to pay - Data links

Dagmar Krause

Weimar Germany - Revolution and Counterrevolution

Stills of the German revolution of 1919 and the counterrevolution of Gustav Noske, the SPD and the proto-nazi Freikorps.

Music is english translation of Hans Eisler song "You have to pay" by Dagmar Krause

Dagmar Krause on Myspace esta página
Dagmar Krause's profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans.

Dagmar Krause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia esta página
Dagmar Krause (born 4 June 1950) is a German singer, best known for her work with avant-rock groups like Slapp Happy, Henry Cow and Art Bears. She is also ...
Biography - ‎Name - ‎Discography - ‎References
Music: Dagmar Krause - Hans Eisler song You have to pay - Data links 

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

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