martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Music: Dagmar Krause - Hans Eisler song You have to pay - Data links

Dagmar Krause

Weimar Germany - Revolution and Counterrevolution

Stills of the German revolution of 1919 and the counterrevolution of Gustav Noske, the SPD and the proto-nazi Freikorps.

Music is english translation of Hans Eisler song "You have to pay" by Dagmar Krause

Dagmar Krause on Myspace esta página
Dagmar Krause's profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans.

Dagmar Krause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia esta página
Dagmar Krause (born 4 June 1950) is a German singer, best known for her work with avant-rock groups like Slapp Happy, Henry Cow and Art Bears. She is also ...
Biography - ‎Name - ‎Discography - ‎References
Music: Dagmar Krause - Hans Eisler song You have to pay - Data links 

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect. Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano. Gracias:)


Photos - Fotos: Adam Jahiel - Kyrgyzstan - Part 1 - 12 images - Links

 Adam Jahiel 0001 -Mountain Road

Adam Jahiel 0001-Market

 Adam Jahiel 0002 -Apple Lady

Adam Jahiel 0002 -Landscape

Adam Jahiel 0003 -Earth and Sky

Adam Jahiel 0003 -Man with Cart

Adam Jahiel 0004 -Cemetery

Adam Jahiel 0004 -Horse Drinking -Lake

Adam Jahiel 0005 -Sheep Herder

Adam Jahiel 0006 -Shepard

Adam Jahiel 0007 -Ghost Horse

Adam Jahiel 0008 -Home on the Range

Photos - Fotos: Adam Jahiel - Kyrgyzstan - Part 1 - 12 images - Links


Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

Blogs in operation of The Solitary Dog:

Solitary Dog Sculptor:
Solitary Dog Sculptor I:

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect. Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano. Gracias:)


NASA: Brazil - Xingu Indigenous Peoples Reserve - Fire in the Xingu River Basin - 11.06.13

Fire in the Xingu River Basin
Color bar for Fire in the Xingu River Basin
acquired 1999 - 2010 download large image (6 MB, JPEG, 7816x4137)
When most people think of the Amazon rainforest, they envision a vast expanse of green jungle, dripping with moisture year round. Some parts of the Amazon do receive relentless rain, but other regions have a distinct dry season when little or no rain falls.
The southeastern Amazon, in the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Pará, has a four-to-five month dry season that limits rains to a trickle. Lush vegetation survives by sending roots up to 10 meters (30 feet) into the ground. Ecologists worry that as climate change brings hotter, drier conditions to the region, the southern edge of the Amazon could easily transition from forest to tropical savanna known in South America as the Cerrado.
The boundary between rainforest and the Cerrado cuts across the Amazon Basin in a ragged line that runs through the Brazilian states of Rondônia, Mato Grosso, and Pará. The boundary has emerged as one of the most interesting parts of the Amazon to study because it is at this forest frontier where the needs of modern Brazilian society—cleared land for farmers, ranchers, villages, and roads—come into direct conflict with those of the rainforest and the large populations of indigenous peoples who live within the forest.
Then there are the fires. Satellite and ground observations of the forest edge show evidence of what ecologists call “understory” fires—low-intensity blazes that creep along the leaf littler on the forest floor but never get hot enough to burn up through the canopy. Since the fires remain beneath the canopy, NASA satellites designed to monitor fire activity rarely detect understory fires (unlike those that release more energy, such as deforestation or agricultural management fires). But satellites can sense the subtle changes in the forest canopy in the wake of these understory fires, as the damaged vegetation slowly dies and new trees grow back.
Distinguishing between understory fire damage and other types of forest disturbance—such as selective logging and deforestation for agriculture—is not straightforward with satellite imagery, explained NASA scientist Doug Morton. In the last few years, Morton has worked out a new technique based on data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor that makes it easier to distinguish understory fires from similar-looking forest disturbances.
The technique has made it possible for Morton and his colleagues to map the distribution of understory fires across the entire southern Amazon basin for the first time. (See the large image for the distribution of understory fires across the basin). Morton found that understory forest fires burned more than 85,500 square kilometers (33,000 square miles), or 2.8 percent of the forest, between 1999 and 2010.
The prevailing theory has been that deforestation and understory fires go hand in hand, because deforestation creates gaps in the rainforest canopy that dry out the forest floor. Surprisingly, Morton’s mapping found no correlation between understory fires and deforestation. In fact, even in areas with little or no deforestation—such as the large reserves in the Xingu River Basin set aside for Brazil’s indigenous people—the analysis detected very large understory fires, with some areas burning frequently.
The Xingu River Basin saw more forests with repeated burning than nearly anywhere else in the Amazon over the study period, with some areas facing four or more fires. As shown in the map above, the fires within the indigenous reserve were concentrated along the banks of the Xingu River; rivers are the main transportation network for indigenous groups in the Xingu basin, similar to other remote regions of the Amazon where roads are scarce or seasonally flooded. Amongst the farms and ranches on the forest frontier beyond the reserve, fires were also common but scattered more broadly.
“One of the things this research shows is that deforestation probably isn’t the key driver of understory fires we once thought it was,” said Morton. “The simple presence of people—indigenous or otherwise—along with hot, dry weather is all you need for large understory fires to burn along the southern edge of the Amazon.”
Morton’s next question: “Are the forests along the edges of the Amazon able to withstand all these understory fires or will we see a gradual transition from forest to savanna over time?”
NASA Earth Observatory images by Jesse Allen, using data provided by Douglas Morton (NASA/GSFC). Caption by Adam Voiland.
Terra - MODIS

NASA: Brazil - Xingu Indigenous Peoples Reserve - Fire in the Xingu River Basin - 11.06.13

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

Blogs in operation of The Solitary Dog:

Solitary Dog Sculptor:
Solitary Dog Sculptor I:

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect. Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano. Gracias:)


Poesia: Cesar Moro - El humo se disipa - El mundo ilustrado - Links

El humo se disipa
                                                                A donde voraz y ciego
                                                                Es el Minotauro el fuego
                                                                Y es el laberinto el humo
                                                                Calderón de la Barca

Tu aliento es como la mejor mañana fresca de olor de aves y de mar un
            velamen cruza veloz la foresta interdicta de tu aliento donde los
            pájaros se columpian picoteando estrellas mientras un galope
            tendido de gacelas transtorna las flores y las convierte en piedras
            de luna y el silencio recorre la escala de tu aliento de fuente y de
            montaña nevada.
Frente a frente tu aliento el soplo aterrador de la primavera en los
            bosques de nieve eterna iniciando el desfile de los témpanos
            coronados de osos polares flameantes
Tu aliento certero en medio del corazón una piedra que cae en el estanque
            dormido y levanta geiseres de estrellas enloquecidas que buscan su
            origen en tu boca
Tu aliento es un despeñadero en el que caen árboles enteros y el ruido se
            tapiza y las frutas maduran y todo se volatiliza en una caída sin
La mañana perfila los cendales de tu aliento y la tormenta tiene olor de tu
            saliva y tu saliva es el cráter de donde vuelan los peñascos
            enfurecidos portadores de mensajes ilegibles.
Tu aliento de meteorito disparado desde el cielo cayendo en un bosque
            ardiente chamuscando leopardos y provocando el alarido de los
Tu aliento es humareda de ignición de poemas obscenos tu aliento
            precipitándose a mansalva sobre campos inmensos bajo la luna
Tu aliento en la mañana la nostalgia de la noche fulgurante de rayos que
            bordan en el cielo las cataratas de tu aliento

De "La tortuga ecuestre" 1936-1939

El mundo ilustrado

Igual que tu ventana que no existe
Como una sombra de mano en un instrumento fantasma
Igual que las venas y el recorrido intenso de tu sangre
Con la misma igualdad con la continuidad preciosa que me
          asegura idealmente tu existencia
A una distancia
A la distancia
A pesar de la distancia
Con tu frente y tu rostro
Y toda tu presencia sin cerrar los ojos
Y el paisaje que brota de tu presencia cuando la ciudad no
           era no podía ser sino el reflejo inútil de tu presencia de
Para mejor mojar las plumas de las aves
Cae esta lluvia de muy alto
Y me encierra dentro de ti a mí solo
Dentro y lejos de ti
Como un camino que se pierde en otro continente


Poesia: Cesar Moro - El humo se disipa - El mundo ilustrado - Links

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

Blogs in operation of The Solitary Dog:

Solitary Dog Sculptor:
Solitary Dog Sculptor I:

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect. Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano. Gracias:)
