sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

Alessandro Boticelli - Primavera


Er kömmt in seiner Herrlichkeit
Der holde Lenz hernieder
Und schenket seine Wonnezeit
Dem Erdenkreise wieder;

Er malt die Wolken mit Azur,
Mit Gold der Wolken Rände,
Mit Regenbogen Tal und Flur,
Mit Schmelz die Gartenwände;

Er kleidet den entblößten Baum,
Deckt ihn mit einer Krone,
Daß unter seinem Schattenraum
Das Volk der Vögel wohne.

Wie preiset ihrer Lieder Schall
Die Wunder seiner Rechten,
Die Lerch am Tage, Nachtigall
In schauervollen Nächten!

Die Fische scherzen in der Flut,
Die Herden auf der Weide,
Es schwärmt der Bienen junge Brut
Auf der beblümten Heide.

Der Mensch alllein, der Schöpfung Haupt,
Vergräbet sich in Sorgen,
Ist immer seiner selbst beraubt,
Lebt immer nur für morgen;

Ihn weckt Auroras güldner Strahl,
Ihm lacht die Flur vergebens,
Er wird, nach selbstgemachter Qual,
Der Henker seines Lebens,

Das ohnehin wie ein Gesicht
Des Morgentraums entfliehet,
Und vor ein schreckliches Gericht
Ihn, den Verbrecher, ziehet.


Canción primaveral

Ella baja en su esplendor,
la benigna primavera,
y su gozo, como un don,
a la tierra reintegra;

de azur las nubes pinta,
de oro orla las nubes,
de arco iris valle y campiña,
de esmalte el jardín se cubre;

el desnudo árbol adorna,
con una copa lo viste,
por que en espacio de sombra
el alado pueblo habite.

¡Cómo loa del canto el son
los prodigios de sus fueros,
diurna alondra, ruiseñor
en noches plenas de miedo!

El pez retoza en las ondas,
en el prado las manadas,
jóvenes abejas rondan
por la florecida landa.

Sólo el hombre, la cabeza
de la creación, se hunde en ansias,
privado de sí, no cesa
de vivir para mañana;

de Aurora lo hiere en vano
rayo áureo, y ríe la campiña:
se tortura, transformado
en verdugo de su vida,

que, sin más, como visión,
del sueño huye matinal
y arrastra al malhechor
al terrible tribunal.

(Traducción: Héctor A. Piccoli)

Robert Roberthin, Pseudonym: Berrintho, (* 3. März 1600 in Saalfeld/Ostpreußen; † 7. April 1648 in Königsberg) war ein deutscher Dichter der Barockzeit.


Als Sohn eines Pfarrers geboren, studierte Roberthin ab 1617 Rechtswissenschaft in Königsberg, Leipzig und Straßburg. Als drei Jahre später sein Vater stirbt, tritt er eine Stelle als Hofmeister an. Zahlreiche Reisen führen ihn nach England, Frankreich, Italien und Holland. Er wird brandenburgischer Rat und Obersekretär bei der Regierung in Königsberg.

Roberthin war mit dem schlesischen Dichter Martin Opitz befreundet. Er entdeckte und förderte den Dichterkollegen Simon Dach, der für ihn das von Heinrich Albert vertonte Begräbnislied „Ich bin ja, Herr, in deiner Macht“ dichtete.

Roberthin war der geistige Mittelpunkt der Königsberger Kürbishütte.

Roberthin verfasste zahlreiche geistliche und weltliche Lieder, die „durch Leichtigkeit und Innigkeit die gelehrte Lyrik der schlesischen Schule übertreffen“ (Meyers Lexikon, 1888). Er ließ sie unter dem Pseudonym „Berrintho“ in Heinrich Alberts „Arien zum Singen und Spielen“ (Königsberg 1638) erscheinen.
Literatur (Auswahl)

    Thomas Diecks: Roberthin, Robert. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB). Band 21. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2003, S. 680 f.
    August Gebauer: Simon Dach und seine Freunde als Kirchenliederdichter. Tübingen 1828
    Hermann Oesterley: Robert Roberthin. In: Altpreussische Monatsschrift, 12 (1875), 27-50
    Leopold Hermann Fischer: Nachträge zu Oesterley. In: Altpreussische Monatsschrift, 22 (1885), 606-617
    Oesterley: Roberthin, Robert. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 28, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1889, S. 722 f.


Gedichte - Poesia: Robert Roberthin - Frühlingslied - Canción primaveral - Deutsch - Español - Links zu weiteren deutschen Dichter - Links a más poetas alemanes

Bertolt Brecht

Kurt Tucholsky

Heinrich von Morungen

Walther von der Vogelweide

Johannes Bobrowski

Angelus Silesius (Johann Scheffler)

Paul Fleming

Daniel Casper von Lohenstein (1635-1683)

Simon Dach

Gottlob Friedrich Wilhelm Juncke

Gryphius, Andreas (Andreas Greif)

Friedrich von Logau

Friedrich Hölderlin

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect.

Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano.

Gracias :)

Painter: Fernand Leger - Part 9 - Links to Parts 1-8

Fernand Leger - Beer mug


Fernand Leger - Pistons

Fernand Leger - The staircase

Fernand Léger  
Composition aux clefs, huile sur toile, 1929, 
achat de la Ville du Havre en 1984

Fernand Léger - Composición. El Disco

Propellors, 1981

Two Women, 1922, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

Painter: Fernand Leger - Part 9 - Links to Parts 1-8

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

Operative blogs of The Solitary Dog:

solitary dog sculptor:

Solitary Dog Sculptor I:

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect.

Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano.

Gracias :)


Poesia: Vinicius de Moraes - O Sentimento do Sublime (livro) - Parte 3 - Introspeccao - Inatingivel - Revolta - Ansia - Em Portugues


Nuvens lentas passavam
Quando eu olhei o céu.
Eu senti na minha alma a dor do céu
Que nunca poderá ser sempre calmo.

Quando eu olhei a árvore perdida
Não vi ninhos nem pássaros.
Eu senti na minha alma a dor da árvore
Esgalhada e sozinha
Sem pássaros cantando nos seus ninhos.

Quando eu olhei minha alma
Vi a treva.
Eu senti no céu e na árvore perdida
A dor da treva que vive na minha alma.

Rio de Janeiro, 1933


O que sou eu, gritei um dia para o infinito
E o meu grito subiu, subiu sempre
Até se diluir na distância.
Um pássaro no alto planou vôo
E mergulhou no espaço.
Eu segui porque tinha que seguir
Com as mãos na boca, em concha
Gritando para o infinito a minha dúvida.

Mas a noite espiava a minha dúvida
E eu me deitei à beira do caminho
Vendo o vulto dos outros que passavam
Na esperança da aurora.
Eu continuo à beira do caminho
Vendo a luz do infinito
Que responde ao peregrino a imensa dúvida.

Eu estou moribundo à beira do caminho.
O dia já passou milhões de vezes
E se aproxima a noite do desfecho.
Morrerei gritando a minha ânsia
Clamando a crueldade do infinito
E os pássaros cantarão quando o dia chegar
E eu já hei de estar morto à beira do caminho.

Rio de Janeiro, 1933


Alma que sofres pavorosamente
A dor de seres privilegiada
Abandona o teu pranto, sê contente
Antes que o horror da solidão te invada.

Deixa que a vida te possua ardente
Ó alma supremamente desgraçada.
Abandona, águia, a inóspita morada
Vem rastejar no chão como a serpente.

De que te vale o espaço se te cansa?
Quanto mais sobes mais o espaço avança...
Desce ao chão, águia audaz, que a noite é fria.

Volta, ó alma, ao lugar de onde partiste
O mundo é bom, o espaço é muito triste...
Talvez tu possas ser feliz um dia.

Rio de Janeiro, 1933


Na treva que se fez em torno a mim
Eu vi a carne.
Eu senti a carne que me afogava o peito
E me trazia à boca o beijo maldito.
Eu gritei.
De horror eu gritei que a perdição me possuía a alma
E ninguém me atendeu.
Eu me debati em ânsias impuras
A treva ficou rubra em torno a mim
E eu caí!

As horas longas passaram.
O pavor da morte me possuiu.
No vazio interior ouvi gritos lúgubres
Mas a boca beijada não respondeu aos gritos.

Tudo quebrou na prostração.

O movimento da treva cessou ante mim.

A carne fugiu
Desapareceu devagar, sombria, indistinta
Mas na boca ficou o beijo morto.
A carne desapareceu na treva
E eu senti que desaparecia na dor
Que eu tinha a dor em mim como tivera a carne
Na violência da posse.

Olhos que olharam a carne
Por que chorais?
Chorais talvez a carne que foi
Ou chorais a carne que jamais voltará?
Lábios que beijaram a carne
Por que tremeis?
Não vos bastou o afago de outros lábios
Tremeis pelo prazer que eles trouxeram
Ou tremeis no balbucio da oração?
Carne que possui a carne
Onde o frio?
Lá fora a noite é quente e o vento é tépido
Gritam luxúria nesse vento
Onde o frio?

Pela noite quente eu caminhei...
Caminhei sem rumo, para o ruído longínquo
Que eu ouvia, do mar.
Caminhei talvez para a carne
Que vira fugir de mim.

No desespero das árvores paradas busquei consolação
E no silêncio das folhas que caíam senti o ódio
Nos ruídos do mar ouvi o grito de revolta
E de pavor fugi.

Nada mais existe para mim
Só talvez tu, Senhor.
Mas eu sinto em mim o aniquilamento...

apenas a aurora, Senhor
Já que eu não poderei jamais ver a luz do dia.

Rio de Janeiro, 1933

Poesia: Vinicius de Moraes - O Sentimento do Sublime (livro) - Parte 3 - Introspeccao - Inatingivel - Revolta - Ansia - Em Portugues

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect.

Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano.

Gracias :)

NASA: US - Oregon - Portland - Landsat Shows Land Use Around Portland - Landsat 7 Views - August 2012

Landsat Shows Land Use Around Portland
Color bar for Landsat Shows Land Use Around Portland
acquired January 1 - December 31, 2001 download large image (16 MB, JPEG, 3959x4570)
Portland, Oregon, sits at the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. The area is a mixture of city, suburb, farm, pasture, and forest. These different land cover types are easily distinguishable from each other in Portland and elsewhere thanks to color-coded maps from the National Land Cover Database, which was developed by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) and available for free from the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium. These land cover maps let government officials and private citizens alike track the extent of urban and suburban areas and the health of surrounding ecosystems.
In this image, the Columbia and Willamette Rivers appear bright blue. Red indicates developed (urban) areas, with darker shades showing more intense development. Croplands are tan and pasturelands are yellow. Forest is green. Other classifications are shown in the key below the map.
USGS land cover classifications have been developed and refined over four decades. In the 1970s, James Anderson and USGS colleagues published A Land Cover Classification System for Use with Remote Sensor Data. The report established hierarchical categories for land cover. For instance, the top-level category of urbanized land includes a sub-category for residential lands, which in turn includes sub-categories of single-family homes, multi-family homes, mobile homes, and so on. The top categories include: built-up land, agricultural land, rangeland, forest, water, wetlands, barren land, tundra, and perennial snow and ice.
The image above is from the National Land Cover Database 2001, which was assembled from observations by the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) on Landsat 7. NLCD databases were released for 1992, 2001, and 2006, and work on a 2016 update is underway. The multiple releases let users track changes over time.
Landsat can distinguish between these different land covers because it detects not just visible light, but also infrared. Everything on the surface of the Earth absorbs and reflects light, but different things absorb and reflect different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum to varying degrees. Chlorophyll in plants, for instance, strongly absorbs red and blue wavelengths while reflecting green. Healthy leaves also reflect infrared light. By detecting that wavelength absorption—whether in plants, buildings, roads, or rocks—Landsat can detect subtle differences that human eyes cannot see.
Around Portland, Landsat’s ability to distinguish between different land covers has enabled researchers to monitor forest loss and a growing trend of multiyear droughts. Land cover data also help track changes in human land use by combining remote sensing data with historic maps.
Oregon law requires each metropolitan area to abide by an urban growth boundary (UGB) that separates urban land from rural land. In 1979, Portland established a UGB aimed at concentrating development in existing urban centers and along established transportation routes, while leaving rural areas largely intact. The Portland UGB is a dynamic plan that can be adjusted as needed by state officials; in fact, it has been moved more than 30 times since the 1970s. As of 2010, Portland’s UGB encompassed roughly 400 square miles (1,000 square kilometers) and 1.4 million residents.
Since the Columbia River defines the border between Oregon and Washington, however, the Portland metropolitan area effectively crosses state lines. This has complicated Portland’s efforts to manage urban growth. Across the river from Portland is Washington’s Clark County. A 2004 study by Myung-Jin Jun concluded that growth in Portland was simply shifted to Clark County—which grew by 20 percent from 2000 to 2010—because that municipality lacked similar restrictions on new development. In short, Clark County “played a role as a safety valve for growth outside the UGB,” Jun wrote. “Portland’s UGB raises an interesting issue about the growth management policy of a metropolitan area that crosses state borders.”
Another study by Song and Knapp focusing on Washington County (which comprises the western part of Portland) found that multiple measures of efficient land use—such as city layouts that ease pedestrian access—started to improve in the 1990s. On a regional scale, however, connectivity between neighborhoods still needed improvement. “Portland is winning the war on urban sprawl at the neighborhood scale,” the authors wrote, “or at least appears to have won some important battles; but progress remains elusive at the regional scale.”
  1. References

  2. Acevedo, W. (2010, May) Defining the temporal and geographic limits for an urban mapping study. USGS Land Cover Institute. Accessed July 30, 2012.
  3. Anderson, J.R., Hardy, E.E., Roach, J.T., Witmer, R.E. (1976) A land use and land cover classification system for use with remote sensor data. Geological Survey Professional Paper 964. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 671.
  4. Associated Press. (2011) Census shows big growth in southwest Washington—with 20 percent Clark County boost, 13 percent in Vancouver. OregonLive.com. Accessed July 30, 2012.
  5. Jun, M.-J. (2004) The effects of Portland’s urban growth boundary on urban development patterns and commuting. Urban Studies, 41(7), 1333–1348.
  6. NASA Landsat Education and Public Outreach Team. (2006, June) How Landsat Images are Made. (PDF file). Accessed July 30, 2012.
  7. Oregon Metro. (2012) Urban Growth Boundary. Accessed July 25, 2012.
  8. Song, Y., Knapp, G.-J. (2007) Measuring urban form: Is Portland winning the war on sprawl? Journal of the American Planning Association, 70(2), 210–225.
  9. U.S. Geological Survey. (2012, May) USGS Land Cover. Accessed July 25, 2012.
  10. Wilson, T.S., Sorenson, D.G. (2011, May 19) Willamette Valley ecoregion summary. USGS Land Cover Trends Project. Accessed July 30, 2012.
NASA/USGS image from the National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD 2001). Caption by Michon Scott.
Landsat 7 - ETM+

NASA: US - Oregon - Portland - Landsat Shows Land Use Around Portland - Landsat 7 Views - August 2012

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Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano.

Gracias :)