miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

NASA: The Greening Arctic - 27.03.13

The Greening Arctic

The Greening Arctic
Color bar for The Greening Arctic
acquired July 1, 1982 - December 1, 2011 download large image (840 KB, JPEG, 2000x1000)
The Greening Arctic
Color bar for The Greening Arctic
acquired July 1, 1982 - December 1, 2011 download large image (690 KB, JPEG, 2000x1000)
Over the past three decades, temperatures have risen faster in the Arctic than anywhere else in the world. Consequently, the growing season has gotten longer in the far northern latitudes, bringing major changes to plant communities in tundra and boreal (also known as taiga) ecosystems.
For decades, instruments on various NASA and NOAA satellites have continuously monitored vegetation from space. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) instruments measure the intensity of visible and near-infrared light reflecting off of plant leaves. Scientists use that information to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), an indicator of photosynthetic activity, or the “greenness” of the landscape.
The maps above show NDVI trends between July 1982 and December 2011 for the northern portions of North America and Eurasia. Shades of green depict areas where plant productivity and abundance increased; shades of brown show where photosynthetic activity declined. There was no significant trend in areas that are white, and areas that are gray were not included in the study. An international team of university and NASA scientists published their analysis of the NDVI data in Nature Climate Change in March 2013.
The maps show a ring of greening in the treeless tundra ecosystems of the circumpolar Arctic—the northernmost parts of Canada, Russia, and Scandinavia. Tall shrubs and trees started to grow in areas that were previously dominated by tundra grasses. The researchers concluded that plant growth had increased by 7 to 10 percent overall.
However, boreal forests, particularly those in North America, showed a different response to warming. Many boreal forests greened, but the trend was not as strong as it was for tundra of the circumpolar Arctic. In North America, some boreal forests actually experienced “browning” (less photosynthetic activity) over the study period. Droughts, forest fire activity, animal and insect behavior, industrial pollution, and a number of other factors may have contributed to the browning.
“Satellite data identify areas in the boreal zone that are warmer and drier and other areas that are warmer and wetter,” explained co-author Ramakrishna Nemani of NASA’s Ames Research Center. “Only the warmer and wetter areas support more growth.”
“We found more plant growth in the boreal zone from 1982 to 1992 than from 1992 to 2011, because water limitations were encountered in the later two decades of our study,” added co-author Sangram Ganguly of the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute and NASA Ames.
NASA Earth Observatory image by Robert Simmon, using MODIS and AVHRR data from the Boston University’s Climate and Vegetation Research Group. Caption by Adam Voiland with information from Kathryn Hansen.
Terra - MODIS

NASA: The Greening Arctic - 27.03.13

Music: The Arid Sea - Words - Lyrics


I know how you feel
You're still hopeful
For something real
We always knew
This day would end
And leave us silent
Once again

I hope you know
The state I'm in
I complicate
Most everything
I hope you know

I know how you feel
You're still hopeful
For something real
We always knew
This day would end
And leave us silent
Once again

I hope you know
The state I'm in
I complicate
Most everything

I hope you know
Just what it is
I hope you'll find
Just what you miss
I hope you

It will come to you
At the break of day
It will come to you
It will wash away
It will come to you
Like the morning sun
It will come to you

There will never be another you,
There will never be another chance at bliss
There will never be another you,
There will never be another time like this

I hear your words
You call my name
There's nothing left for us to say
I hear your words
Come sing to me
In broken voice,
You'll set me free

I hear your words
You call my name
There's nothing left for us to say
I hear your words
Come sing to me
In broken verse,
You'll set me free
I hear you

I know how you feel
You're still hopeful

Music: The Arid Sea - Words - Lyrics

Painter: Monet. Claude-Oscar (1840-1926) Part 14 - 17 paints – Links

 Claude Monet - Flat Bread

 Claude Monet - Flowers and Fruits

 Claude Monet - Flood at Giverny

 Claude Monet - Garden in Bloom at Sainte-Addresse

 Claude Monet - Gare Saint Lazare, Pari

 Claude Monet - Gare Saint Lazare the Train from Normandy

 Claude Monet - Gi

 Claude Monet - Gladioluses

 Claude Monet - The Riverside Path at Argenteuil

 Claude Monet - Grainstacks (snow effect)_1891

 Monet - The Red Kerchief - Portrait of Camille Monet

 Monet - The Rouen Cathedral - Full Sunlight

 Monet - The Red Road near Menton

 Monet - The Seine at Argenteuil

 Monet - The Rouen Cathedral, le portail, temps gris

 Monet - The Studio Boat 1874

Monet - The Thames at Westminster

Painter: Monet. Claude-Oscar (1840-1926) Part 14 - 17 paints – Links 

Poesia: Jose Gorostiza - Borrasca - El Enfermo - Elegia - Links


Noche, madre sombría,
de nubes negras y relámpagos ágiles,
cuyos gritos de luz al mar doblegan:
Menesteroso de silencio, pido
tres palmos de la orilla
de donde pueda regresar sencilla,
como un fuego marino, la mirada.
Nublada debo de tenerla ahora,
mientras el mar castiga sus lebreles,
si tú piensas la angustia de una estrella
- viento del norte la desprende el oro -
y yo, sin los resabios
del camino,
en un beso feliz, añejo vino,
dulce soplo de brisa entre losa labios.
En el mismo sendero son viadores
un límpido crepúsculos de luna
y el pájaro fugaz de la tormenta.
Para un mismo viajero
se divide en jornadas el camino,
porque pasan la aurora y el copo del lucero
en un solo sendero.
Noche, madre sombría:
Cuando llegue el minuto negro de mi borrasca,
hazme sufrirlo aquí, junto a la orilla
del agua amarga.
que, si me vienen ganas de llorar,
quiero tener azules las ideas,
y en mis palabras el sonar
de las mareas.

El enfermo

Por el amplio silencio del instante
pasa un vago temor.
Tal vez gira la puerta sin motivo
y se recoge una visión distante,
como si el alma fuese un mirador.

Afuera canta un pájaro cautivo,
y con gota fugaz el surtidor.

Tal vez fingen las cortinas altas
plegarse al toque de una mano intrusa,
y el incierto rumor
a las pupilas del enfermo acusa
un camino de llanto en derredor.

En sus ojos opacos, mortecinos,
se reflejan las cosas con candor,
mientras la queja fluye
a los labios exangües de dolor.

Cuenta la Hermana cuentas de rosario
y piensa en el Calvario
del Señor.

Pero invade la sombra vespertina
un extraño temor,
y en el péndulo inmóvil se adivina
la séptima caída del amor.

Tal vez gira la puerta sin motivo.
Afuera canta un pájaro cautivo,
y con gota fugaz el surtidor.

                                                               A Ramón López Velarde

Solo, con ruda soledad marina,
se fue por un sendero de la luna,
mi dorada madrina,
apagando sus luces como una
pestaña de lucero en la neblina.
El dolor me sangraba el pensamiento,
y en los labios tenía,
como una rosa negra, mi silencio.
Las azules cenéforas de la melancolía
derramaron sus frágiles cestillos,
y el sueño se dolía
con la luna de lánguidos lebreles amarillos.
Se pusieron de púrpura las liras;
las mujeres, en hilos de lágrimas suspensas,
cortaron las espiras
blandamente aromadas de sus trenzas.
Y al romper mis quietudes vesperales
lo gris de estas congojas,
las oí resbalar como a las hojas
en los rubios jardines otoñales.
Apaguemos las lámparas, hermanos.
De los dulces laúdes
no muevan le cordaje nuestras manos.
Se nos murieron las siete virtudes,
al asomar
los finos labios del amanecer.
¡Ponga dios una lenta lágrima de mujer
en los ojos del mar!

Poesia: Jose Gorostiza - Borrasca - El Enfermo - Elegia - Links

Poeta mexicano nacido en San Juan Bautista, hoy Villahermosa, Tabasco, en 1901.
Su vida se repartió entre la literatura y el servicio público. Junto con Xavier Villaurrutia y Carlos Pellicer
fue uno de los miembros más destacados del grupo de los «Contemporáneos », movimiento que trató de
recuperar el carácter universal de la poesía.
Gorostiza representa la tendencia más puramente espiritual, instalada en la belleza formal y el simbolismo.
«Canciones para cantar en las barcas » y «Muerte sin fin », son sus obras más representativas.
Falleció en 1973.
