lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Photos- Fotos: Jonas Bendiksen - Russian Summer - Part 3 - 12 photos - Photo-Journalism - Foto-periodismo - Link to precedent parts

Jonas Bendiksen
MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004.
Stripper in a nightclub

RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, The Jewish Autonomous Region. 1999.
The first Jewish homeland of modern time, created 20 years before Israel, located in Far-East Siberia. Every week, hundreds of Birobidzhani Jews left for Israel, once again in search of a Jewish homeland and a better life

Transdniesterian deputy minister of defense looking lovingly at an Alazan missile in front of a scene from 1992 breakaway war with Moldova.
The Alazan missile has been in the media's focus as of late, with a Washington Post article accusing Transdniester of lacing the small missiles with nuclear dirty bomb warheads, something the government strongly denies. 2004

MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004.
Steel mill. Despite the nationalist rethoric of the breakaway war with Moldova in 1992, critics of Transdniester see their quest for independence as a power grab by factory chiefs and economic elite of the region.
Nearly all of Moldova's heavy industry was located in the Transdniester region, and Transdniestrian independence is catastrophic for Moldova

MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004.
Steel mill. Despite the nationalist rethoric of the breakaway war with Moldova in 1992, critics of Transdniester see their quest for independence as a power grab by factory chiefs and economic elite of the region.
Nearly all of Moldova's heavy industry was located in the Transdniester region, and Transdniestrian independence is catastrophic for Moldova

GEORGIA. Abkhazia. Sukhum. 2005.
Although Abkhazia is isolated, half-abandoned and still suffering war wounds due to its unrecognized status, both locals and Russian tourists are drawn to the warm waters of the Black Sea.
This unrecognized country, on a lush stretch of Black Sea coast, won its independence from the former Soviet republic of Georgia after a fierce war in 1993

GEORGIA. Abkhazia. 2005.
With its lush Black Sea location, Abkhazia is trying to attract Russian tourists.
Here, at a road stop on the tour bus route, an entrepreneur, who charges tourists 10 rubles to photograph his bear, catches his breath between busloads.

Nagorno Karabakh. 2005.
A man walks past the half-empty apartment blocks of Shushi, a town that was partially destroyed in the Azeri-Armenian war of the early 1990s.
Today it remains half-wrecked, and all the previous Azeri residents fled, or were killed, during the bloody war.

Jonas Bendiksen
RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, The Jewish Autonomous Region of Russia. 1999.
In the Khoddus family household.

Jonas Bendiksen
UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. 2002.
All but one male member of this household are in prison for their religious activities and beliefs

Jonas Bendiksen
UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. 2002.
Halal slaughter house

Jonas Bendiksen
UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. 2002.
 Muslim women digging themselves into supposedly healing sands

Photos- Fotos: Jonas Bendiksen - Russian Summer - Part 3 - 12 photos - Photo-Journalism - Foto-periodismo - Link to precedent parts

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

Blogs in operation of The Solitary Dog:

Solitary Dog Sculptor:
Solitary Dog Sculptor I:

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect. Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano. Gracias:)


Gedicht - Poesia: Georg Heym - 1887-1912 - Die Vorstadt - El suburbio - Links a mas poesia alemana - Links zu weiteren Poesie in Deutsch

Die Vorstadt

In ihrem Viertel, in dem Gassenkot,
Wo sich der große Mond durch Dünste drängt,
Und sinkend an dem niedern Himmel hängt,
Ein ungeheurer Schädel, weiß und tot,

Da sitzen sie die warme Sommernacht
Vor ihrer Höhlen schwarzer Unterwelt,
Im Lumpenzeuge, das vor Staub zerfällt
Und aufgeblähte Leiber sehen macht.

Hier klafft ein Maul, das zahnlos auf sich reißt.
Hier hebt sich zweier Arme schwarzer Stumpf.
Ein Irrer lallt die hohlen Lieder dumpf,
Wo hockt ein Greis, des Schädel Aussatz weißt.

Es spielen Kinder, denen früh man brach
Die Gliederchen. Sie springen an den Krücken
Wie Flöhe weit und humpeln voll Entzücken
Um einen Pfennig einem Fremden nach.

Aus einem Keller kommt ein Fischgeruch,
Wo Bettler starren auf die Gräten böse.
Sie füttern einen Blinden mit Gekröse.
Er speit es auf das schwarze Hemdentuch.

Bei alten Weibern löschen ihre Lust
Die Greise unten, trüb im Lampenschimmer,
Aus morschen Wiegen schallt das Schreien immer
Der magren Kinder nach der welken Brust.

Ein Blinder dreht auf schwarzem, großem Bette
Den Leierkasten zu der Carmagnole,
Die tanzt ein Lahmer mit verbundener Sohle.
Hell klappert in der Hand die Kastagnette.

Uraltes Volk schwankt aus den tiefen Löchern,
An ihre Stirn Laternen vorgebunden.
Bergmännern gleich, die alten Vagabunden.
Um einen Stock die Hände, dürr und knöchern.

Auf Morgen geht's. Die hellen Glöckchen wimmern
Zur Armesündermette durch die Nacht.
Ein Tor geht auf. In seinem Dunkel schimmern
Eunuchenköpfe, faltig und verwacht.

Vor steilen Stufen schwankt des Wirtes Fahne,
Ein Totenkopf mit zwei gekreuzten Knochen.
Man sieht die Schläfer ruhn, wo sie gebrochen
Um sich herum die höllischen Arkane.

Am Mauertor, in Krüppeleitelkeit
Bläht sich ein Zwerg in rotem Seidenrocke,
Er schaut hinauf zur grünen Himmelsglocke,
Wo lautlos ziehn die Meteore weit.

El suburbio

En su barrio, del callejón en el lodazal,
donde la gran luna se abre paso entre vapores
y hundiéndose, pende de cielos inferiores,
blanco y muerto, un cráneo colosal,

allí se sientan, en tibia noche de verano,
ante el negro submundo de sus cuevas,
en harapos, que en polvo se disgregan
e hinchados hacen ver cuerpos malsanos.

Un morro se abre aquí, desdentado y atrayente.
Aquí, negro, el muñón de dos brazos se eleva.
Ronco, canciones huecas un loco balbucea,
y un viejo se agacha, de lepra el cráneo luciente.

Juegan niños, a quienes se amputó temprano
los pequeños miembros. Saltan en las muletas
lejos como las pulgas y encantados cojean
por un centavo, detrás de un extraño.

Sale de un sótano olor a pescado:
mendigos miran las espinas con amargura.
Ellos dan de comer a un ciego asaduras,
que él en negra camisa pronto ha vomitado.

Con vïejas mujeres sacian su apetito
abajo los ancianos, en brillo de candil;
de cunas carcomidas suena el clamor pueril
de criaturas enjutas por un pecho marchito.

Un ciego toca, en negra cama espacïosa,
la caramañola con organillo,
que con plantas vendadas danza un tullido:
en la mano, la castañüela sonorosa.

Una turba vetusta hace eses, de hondos huecos
saliendo con linternas atadas en la frente:
viejos vagabundos, no de una mina la gente;
los puños tomando un bastón, desnudos y secos.

La mañana, cerca. Noche en que claras sollozan
campanillas de maitines por los condenados.
Se abre una puerta . En negra vislumbre recortados,
eunucos, de cabeza trasnochada y rugosa.

Ante escarpado peldaño oscila la bandera
del patrón: calavera con dos huesos en cruz.
Caídos, se ve de los durmientes la quietud,
diabólicos arcanos ciñéndolos, en rueda.

A la puerta del muro, inválido en fatuidad,
se infla un enano en chaqueta de seda roja,
que a la verde campana, al cielo, la vista arroja,
donde cruzan meteoros mudos la vastedad.

(Traducción: Héctor A. Piccoli)

Gedicht – Poesia:

Angelus Silesius (Johann Scheffler)
Andreas Gryphius:
Annette von Droste-Hülshoff:
August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben 1798-1874:
Bertolt Brecht:
Christian Friedrich Hebbel:
Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau:
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
Daniel Casper von Lohenstein (1635-1683):
Eduard Mörike:
Friedrich Hölderlin:
Friedrich von Logau:
Gottlob Friedrich Wilhelm Juncke:
Heinrich von Morungen:
Johannes Bobrowski:
Karoline von Günderrode:
Kurt Tucholsky:
Max Dauthendey:
Paul Celan:
Paul Fleming:
Rainer Maria Rilke:
Robert Roberthin:
Simon Dach:
Stefan George:
Walther von der Vogelweide:

Aufsätze – Artículo:

Gedicht - Poesia: Georg Heym - 1887-1912 - Die Vorstadt - El suburbio - Links a mas poesia alemana - Links zu weiteren Poesie in Deutsch

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

Blogs in operation of The Solitary Dog:

Solitary Dog Sculptor:
Solitary Dog Sculptor I:

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propuestas comerciales:

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect. Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano. Gracias:)


Music: A Filetta - L'altru mondu - L'Invitu (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) - Bio data in English

A Filetta - L'altru mondu

A Filetta - site officiel - chants polyphoniques Corse

A Filetta is an all-male singing group that performs traditional music from Corsica. This group was created in 1978 by Michele Frassati. He enlisted Corsican singers so that the traditional Corsican singing style (polyphony) would not be forgotten by everyone. To assert its Corsican identity, the group's name refers to a kind of fern that grows on the island of Corsica.

For over 35 years, A Filetta has been singing traditional polyphony but also knows how to innovate. The group does not hesitate to create, open itself to the world, to other cultures, to everybody. They have recorded extensively and performed around the world. In 2009, they performed in France, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Brazil, in the Baltic States, Belgium, Italy, and Austria. The year 2010 brought them, as example, to Japan, Korea, Réunion. They also recorded their latest CD "Mistico Méditerraneo" with Paolo Fresu and Daniele di Bonaventura.

The group is currently composed of 6 singers:

    Jean-Claude Acquaviva (since 1978);
    Paul Giansily (since 1983);
    Jean-Luc Geronimi (since 1994);
    Jean Sicurani (since 1978);
    Maxime Vuillamier (since 1989);
    Ceccè Acquaviva (since 2005).


    1981 : Machja n’avemu un altra
    1982 : O'Vita
    1984 : Cun tè
    1987 : Sonnii Zitillini and In l'abbriu di e stagioni
    1989 : A U VISU DI TANTI
    1992 : AB’ETERNU (diapason d'or)
    1994 : UNA TARRA CI HE (choc du monde de la musique)
    1997 : PASSIONE (diapason d'or et choc du monde de la musique)
    1998 : Soundtrack "Don Juan" by Jacques Weber
    1999 : Soundtrack "Himalaya - l'enfance d'un chef" by Éric Valli
    2000 : Soundtrack "Le libertin" by Jacques Weber
    2000 : Participation at the soundtrack of "Comme un aimant" by Kamel Saleh and Akhenaton
    2001 : Soundtrack "Le Peuple migrateur" by Jacques Perrin
    2002 : INTANTU (Deda), reviewed as a "remarkable CD" by The Independent[1]
    2002 : DVD : "A FILETTA, voix corses" by Don Kent (Éditions Montparnasse)
    2003 : SI DI MÈ
    2005 : Soundtrack "Liberata" France 3
    2006 : MEDEA
    2008 : BRACANÀ (Deda/Harmonia Mundi distr.)
    2009 : DVD "TRENT'ANNI POCU, TRENT'ANNI ASSAI" : a documentary by Cathy Rocchi and a concert at the Oratoire de Calvi, + bonus + a CD with songs. (Harmonia Mundi)
    2011 : MISTICO MEDITERRANEO with Paolo Fresu and Daniele di Bonaventura
    2011 : DI CORSICA RIPOSU - Requiem pour deux regards with Daniele di Bonaventura


    Grand Prix de l'académie Charles Cros (1995 et 2008)
    Diapason d'Or (1993, 1997)
    Choc du Monde de la Musique (1993, 1995, 1997)
    César de la meilleure musique de film pour "Himalaya l'Enfance d'un chef" (2000)

A Filetta - Lucius Annaeus Seneca l'Invitu

L'Invitu is composed by Lucius Annaeus Seneca and arranged by Jean-Claude Acquaviva, perfomed by A Filetta in Bimhuis Amsterdam for Vrije Geluiden.

Jean-Claude Acquaviva, Jean-Luc Geronimi, Paul Giansily, José Filippi, Jean Sicurani, Ceccè Acquiviva, Maxime Vuillamier

Music: A Filetta - L'altru mondu - L'Invitu (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) - Bio data in English

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

Blogs in operation of The Solitary Dog:

Solitary Dog Sculptor:
Solitary Dog Sculptor I:

comunicarse conmigo,
enviar materiales para publicar,
propuestas comerciales:

contact me,
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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect. Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano. Gracias:)
