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At least as far back as King David’s
psalms and Isaiah’s prophecies, snow has been characterized as a symbol
of purity. “Lawn [linen] as white as driven snow” was how Shakespeare
once described it. Beyond the symbolism, the purity of snow has
consequences for society. Snow is a key source of water for drinking and
irrigation. It is also Earth’s best method for reflecting sunlight back
into space.
Tom Painter
is very interested in the purity of snow. Based at NASA’s Jet
Propulsion Laboratory and the University of California, Los Angeles, he
studies how much water is stored in snowpack and how that snow looks to
satellites. He also studies the effects of light-absorbing
impurities—dark-colored particles like dust and soot that coat snow.
Dirty snow usually melts faster than fresh snow because it absorbs
more energy from the Sun, and that’s not just a problem in sooty, gritty
cities. Except for some mountains and high plateaus, snow cover
naturally retreats from Earth’s surface in the spring and early summer.
Dust on top of that snow—like the dirt covering snow on Colorado’s San
Juan Mountains, above—significantly accelerates the process.
For nearly a decade, Painter and colleagues have been examining the
effects of snow impurities in the mountains of the Colorado River Basin,
using a combination of ground-based measurements, energy-balance
towers, and satellite data. Aircraft-mounted instruments also have
helped monitor snow cover and depth. All of that information is included
in a computer model that Painter and his team use to estimate how much
impurities can enhance snowmelt.
The effects are surprisingly potent. “Dust on the snowpack of the
Colorado River Basin can shorten the duration of snow cover by 21 to 51
days,” Painter says. “For comparison, if you kept the snow clean and
increased air temperatures by 2 to 4 degrees Celsius (4 to 7 degrees
Fahrenheit), the snow cover would be shortened by just 5 to 18 days.”
“Here’s another way of thinking about this: if you want to get the
same amount of sunlight absorbed by the clean snowpack, you would have
to move that snow closer to the Sun than Venus.”
Read more about Painter and the study of snowpack and water supplies in our new feature: Dusting the Virtues of Snow.
Photograph by Jeff Deems, NSIDC. Caption by Michon Scott.
- Instrument:
- Photograph
NASA: The Virtues of Pure Snow - 09.10.13
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