acquired January 1, 1850 - January 1, 2000
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Occasionally, short-term meteorological conditions
merge with ongoing human emissions to produce extreme outbreaks of air
pollution. In January 2013, a blanket of industrial pollution enveloped northeastern China. In June 2013, smoke from agricultural fires in Sumatra engulfed Singapore.
In most cases, the most toxic pollution lingers for a few days or
even weeks, bringing increases in respiratory and cardiac health
problems at hospitals. Eventually the weather breaks, the air clears,
and memories of foul air begin to fade. But that’s not to say that the
health risks disappear as well. Even slightly elevated levels of air
pollution can have a significant effect on human health. Over long
periods and on a global scale, such impacts can add up.
But exactly how much exposure to air pollution do people around the
world get? And how much health damage is it causing? Since there are
gaps in networks of ground sensors, University of North Carolina earth
scientist Jason West is leading an effort to answer those questions using computer models that simulate the atmosphere.
In 2010, West and colleagues published an estimate
of the global health effects of air pollution based on a single
atmospheric model. More recently, West and colleagues thought they could
improve their calculations by using results from a range of atmospheric
different models—six in all—rather than relying on just one. In 2013,
they published their results in Environmental Research Letters,
concluding that 2.1 million deaths occur worldwide each year as a
direct result of a toxic type of outdoor air pollution known as fine particulate matter (PM2.5).
The map above shows the model estimate of the average number of
deaths per 1,000 square kilometers (386 square miles) per year due to
air pollution. The researchers used the difference in pollution levels
between 1850 and 2000 as a measure of human-caused air pollution. Dark
brown areas have more premature deaths than light brown areas. Blue
areas have experienced an improvement in air quality relative to 1850
and a decline in premature deaths. Fine particulate matter takes an
especially large toll in eastern China, northern India, and Europe—all
areas where urbanization has added considerable quantities of PM2.5 to the atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution.
A few areas—such as the southeastern United States—saw PM2.5 concentrations decline relative to pre-industrial levels (shown in blue). In the southeastern United States, the decrease in PM2.5 is likely related to a decline in local biomass burning that has occurred over the last 160 years.
- Anenberg, S. et al, (2010, April 9) An Estimate of the Global Burden of Anthropogenic Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter on Premature Human Mortality Using Atmospheric Modeling. Environmental Health Perspectives, (118), 1189-1195.
- Discover (2013, July 17) Air Pollution Kills More Than 2 Million People Every Year. Accessed September 16, 2013.
- Institute of Physics (2013, July 12) Researchers estimate over two million deaths annually from air pollution. Accessed September 16, 2013.
- Silva, R. et al, (2013, March 23) Global premature mortality due to anthropogenic outdoor air pollution and the contribution of past climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 8 (3).
Earth Observatory image by Robert Simmon based on data provided by Jason West. Caption by Adam Voiland.
- Instrument:
- Model
NASA: The Global Toll of Fine Particulate Matter - 09.30.13
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