domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

Sculpture: Papua New Guinea Sculptors - Stanford University

Clic Stanford University
Thanks to St. Un.

Jim Mason:
 Project Director.
Mike Peters

The wooden pieces were carved from woods similar to mahogany and birch, and the trees used for these carvings were shipped directly from New Guinea to the United States. 
Although many of the wooden sculptures displayed below are lying flat, all pieces will eventually be placed upright. 
Please also note that in many of the photographs, some of the wooden sculptures are shown "in progress."

 The artists produced numerous carved poles 
(more than 20 tree trunks and stone works), 
free-standing figures, 
carved drums and other works.








During the summer of 1994, 10 master carvers from Papua New Guinea worked in residence to create a permanent outdoor sculpture garden of New Guinea Art at Stanford University.
Jim Mason, Project Director and graduate student in anthropology, is responsible for bringing the artists from the Middle Sepik River Region of Papua New Guinea to Stanford.
The project is not an attempt to recreate a traditional New Guinea environment but, according to Mason, "an opportunity to experiment with and reinterpret New Guinea aesthetic perspectives within the new context of a Western public art space." 

Ricardo Marcenaro

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

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