miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

Botany: Fungus. Hongos. Funji: Suillus - Part 1 Wiki data in English y Español

Suillus luteus

Suillus granulatus

Suillus luteus

Suillus brevipes 

Suillus cavipes

Suillus caerulescens

Suillus cavipes

Suillus fuscotomentosus



Suillus is a genus of basidiomycete fungi in the family Suillaceae and order Boletales. The 50 species in the genus are associated with coniferous trees, and are mostly distributed in northern temperate locations, although some species have been introduced to the Southern Hemisphere.[1]

The genus Suillus was first named by British botanist Samuel Frederick Gray in 1821, in the first volume of his Natural Arrangement of British Plants. Setting Suillus luteus as the type species, he described the genus as those mushrooms with a centrally-placed stem, a distinct ring, a circular cap, and tubes that stuck together.[2]

Structures of the fungi in this genus in common with other members of the genus Boletalesstem, cap, soft flesh and tubular hymenium. Specific characteristics common to most species in Suillus are the cap cuticle which is slimy and sticky when moist, as well as the strong mycorrhizal relationship developed with coniferous trees. They have been commonly called "slippery jacks" because the cap of the fruiting body is sometimes slimy. The genus name is derived from the Latin sus, meaning "pig". Prior to 1997, the genus Suillus was considered part of the family Boletaceae. include the presence of a cylindrical
Intra-genus variation may be demonstrated by differences in colour and ornamentation of the cap cuticle, flesh, pores and stem, the presence of a partial veil in immature forms and annuli thereafter, pore shape and distribution, as well as habitat. The cap cuticle is dark brown in S. brevipes, and yellow in S. grevillei. S. granulatus has a smooth cap cuticle, while that of S. lakei is finely scaly. The pores are bright yellow in S. collinitus, cinnamon in S. variegatus and grey in S. viscidus; in shape they are round in S. luteus and angular in S. bovinus. The flesh is white to yellow in S. luteus, while it is pallid in S. variegatus with a tendency to turn blue when exposed to air. Young S. luteus and S. grevillei bear partial veils whose remnants remain as annuli hanging from the stem; in S. granulatus the stem is bare. S. viscidus and S. grevillei occur under larch (Larix) only, while S. sibiricus is restricted to a few species of pine (Pinus).
Some Suillus species are edible but none are highly esteemed. In some species, the slimy cap coat acts as a purgative when consumed and should be removed before cooking. Species of Suillus have been associated with the term "bolete", given to members of other genera bearing pores, most notably Boletus.

Species of Suillus are found all over the northern hemisphere where members of the tree family Pinaceae can be found. Although a few species are distributed in tropical regions (usually mountainous areas), most are limited to temperate areas. Some species have been introduced adventitiously with pine trees in pine plantations outside the natural area of Pinaceae.[3]
Some Suillus species have entered regional red lists as endangered or vulnerable. Seven European countries have enlisted S. sibiricus.[4] Individual countries have also listed other species, including S. flavidus, S. tridentinus, S. collinitus, S. plorans and S. lakei.[5]

Suillus Gray, también conocido como bojín es un género de seta del orden Boletales que forma micorriza con árboles.
Los Suillus son setas medianas con carne blanda y un himenio hecho por poros. La piel del sombrero está en la mayoría de las especias babosa, pero también hay especies con la piel tomentosa. El pie está seco, en algunas especies babosa y tiene en muchas especies un anillo mebranoso o con glándulas. El himenio tiene el color amarillo aceitunado o anaranjado o con tonos grisaceaos. El tamaño de los poros es variable.

Los Suillos forman micorriza con coníferas, a menudo están estrechamente ligado a una especie (por ejemplo el alerce).


Ricardo Marcenaro
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