miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

Music: Lizz Wright - Fire - Lyrics

Lizz Wright


Lyrics to Fire :

Are you frightened by the fire in my eyes
It burns for you
And I KNOW you see it too
Your heart was open looking for light
Are you surprised
BABY LEAVE your pride

´Cause I´m gonna burn, right or wrong
It´s all for you to see
Stop hiding your eyes
Take the fire from me
And be warm, life is hard
And sometimes the night is long
Take the fire
You don´t have to give it back to me

It´s a gift to feel this good
Loving you IS enough to bring me peace
Nothing’S perfect
But it´s enougH
To FILL with love

And it´s gonna burn, right or wrong
It´s all for you to see
Stop hiding your eyes
Take the fire from me
And be warm, life is hard
And sometimes the night is long
Take the fire
You don´t have to give it back to me

Don´t worry about me
I´ll stand here in the darkness
With the joy that HEAVEN promised
To those who live
With open hearts

And it´s gonna burn, right or wrong
It´s all for you to see
Stop hiding your eyes
Take the fire from me
And be warm, life is hard
And sometimes the night is long
Take the fire
You don´t have to give it back to me

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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Gracias :)

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