domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

Poetry: E. E. Cummings - all which isn't singing is mere talking - speaking of love(of... (LV) - Links to more of his poems

all which isn't singing is mere talking

all which isn't singing is mere talking
and all talking's talking to oneself
(whether that oneself be sought or seeking
master or disciple sheep or wolf)

gush to it as diety or devil
-toss in sobs and reasons threats and smiles
name it cruel fair or blessed evil-
it is you (ne i)nobody else

drive dumb mankind dizzy with haranguing
-you are deafened every mother's son-
all is merely talk which isn't singing
and all talking's to oneself alone

but the very song of(as mountains
feel and lovers)singing is silence  

 speaking of love(of... (LV)

speaking of love(of
which Who knows the
meaning;or how dreaming

if your heart's mind)i
guess a grassblade
Thinks beyond or
around(as poems are

made)Our picking it. this
caress that laugh
both quickly signify
life's only half(through

deep weather then
or none let's feel
all)mind in mind flesh
In flesh succeeding disappear

Poetry: E. E. Cummings - all which isn't singing is mere talking - speaking of love(of... (LV) - Links to more of his poems



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