sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013

Photos - Fotos: Paul Fusco - USA. California. San Francisco. Living with AIDS - Part 2 - Links

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. 
Dr. Black examines Art in his room

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. 
Dr. Black examines James in his room

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. James 

 Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. James 

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. James 

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. James 

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. 
John babysits for a young couple in the hotel

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. 
John shares his room when he can to help pay the rent, when I asked John what his friend was using he said- "Everything."

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. 
Mohamed and Roger

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. 
One day Andy asked me if I would photograph him. He wanted to remember what his baby was like before he got ill

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. 
Roger and Muhamed

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. 
Roger and Steve, lovers with AIDS 

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. 
AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. 
Roger and Steve, lovers with AIDS

Photos - Fotos: Paul Fusco - USA. California. San Francisco. Living with AIDS - Part 2 - Links


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