jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Music: Diamanda Galas - Were you there when they crucified my Lord - My Love Will Never Die - Supplica A Mia Madre - Links to more DG

Diamanda Galas - Were you there when they crucified my Lord

Were you there when they crucified my Lord
Oh were you there when they crucified my Lord
(Oooh sometimes it causes me to tremble) tremble
Were you there when they crucified my Lord
Were you there when they nailed him to the cross
Were you there when they nailed him to the cross
(Oooh sometimes it causes me to tremble) tremble
Were you there when they nailed him to the cross

(Were you there when they laid him in the tomb
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb
Oooh sometimes it causes me to tremble) tremble
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb
Well were you there when the stone was rolled away
Were you there when the stone was rolled away
(Oooh sometimes it causes me to tremble) tremble
Were you there when the stone was rolled away 

Diamanda Galas - My Love Will Never Die
You've done me wrong for a long, long time.
And all you've done still never changed my mind so please,
try to love me, oh please honey try.
My love for you will never die.

You've done me wrong for a long, long time.
And all you've done still never changed my mind so please,
try to love me, oh please honey try.
My love for you will never die.

These flowers grow where I lay and rest
and these colored blossoms darling, hold to your breast
And darling I know it's my mind breaking out from inside my love for you will never die 


Diamanda Galas - Supplica A Mia Madre Subtitulado

È difficile dire con parole di figlio
ciò a cui nel cuore ben poco assomiglio.

Tu sei la sola al mondo che sa, del mio cuore,
ciò che è stato sempre, prima d'ogni altro amore.

Per questo devo dirti ciò ch'è orrendo conoscere:
è dentro la tua grazia che nasce la mia angoscia.

Sei insostituibile. Per questo è dannata
alla solitudine la vita che mi hai data.

E non voglio esser solo. Ho un'infinita fame
d'amore, dell'amore di corpi senza anima.

Perché l'anima è in te, sei tu, ma tu
sei mia madre e il tuo amore è la mia schiavitù:

ho passato l'infanzia schiavo di questo senso
alto, irrimediabile, di un impegno immenso.

Era l'unico modo per sentire la vita,
l'unica tinta, l'unica forma: ora è finita.

Sopravviviamo: ed è la confusione
di una vita rinata fuori dalla ragione.

Ti supplico, ah, ti supplico: non voler morire.
Sono qui, solo, con te, in un futuro aprile…

Music: Diamanda Galas - Were you there when they crucified my Lord - My Love Will Never Die - Supplica A Mia Madre - Links to more DG

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