acquired September 16, 2013
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acquired September 16, 2013
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From above, Yosemite National Park’s
majestic granite peaks and deep valleys are a jumble of light and dark.
In fact, this section of the Sierra Nevada is known as the range of light
because of the white color of the peaks, and the name holds true from
space. Dark green forests and shadows fill in the lower elevations,
providing contrast.
At first glance, it might appear that the range takes a turn to the northwest in this image, which was acquired by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on the Landsat 8
satellite on September 16, 2013. The landscape in the upper left
quadrant is gray and brown, though its color comes from ash and charcoal
rather than granite. This is land that was burned in the Rim Fire.
The boundary between burned and unburned land is difficult to see in
the true-color view (though it would be very stark in a false-color
infrared). External maps of the burn area make it easier to see where the fire burned. (For more tips on interpreting true-color satellite images, see How to interpret a satellite image: Five tips and strategies.)
The Rim Fire started on August 17, 2013, in the Stanislaus National
Forest, west of Yosemite National Park. The fire burned more than
255,000 acres, 77,254 of which were in the park. By September, the smoke
had cleared, the embers cooled, and firefighters and their equipment
were all gone. And yet the image represents the beginning, not the end
of the disaster for managers of Yosemite and Stanislaus.
Though the fire was extinguished, conditions were initially too
dangerous in many places for managers to assess the damage and plan a
recovery. Satellite images like this one provide some indication of the severity of the burn.
Badly burned land is prone to erosion and flooding (particularly on
steep slopes or near rivers or streams), affecting water quality and
safety. Burned trees near roads and trails also pose a safety hazard.
For the Rim Fire, the Burn Area Emergency Response team determined
that the biggest hazards were related to erosion, flooding, and trees.
They also worried about the potential for invasive species and damage to
cultural sites. To recover from the fire, they recommended that the
park service clean culverts to increase their capacity to hold extra
runoff. With plants and trees gone, water more easily runs off into
waterways, carrying loose, unanchored soil. They recommended that
sandbags be placed around buildings near the Hetch Hetchy Dam and the
entrance station; that trails and roads be cleared of fallen trees and
hazardous trees be removed; that warning signs be placed in burned
areas; and that cultural sites be stabilized from erosion or flood
damage. Finally, the response team warned of the potential for invasive
species to take hold in the recovering ecosystem, as firefighters from
across the country were digging up the ground and potentially dropping
foreign seeds.
- NASA Earth Observatory (2013, November 18) How to interpret a satellite image: Five tips and strategies. Accessed November 22, 2013.
- NASA Landsat (2013, February) Burning wildlands and a burning need for Landsat. Accessed November 22, 2013.
- Yosemite National Park (2013, September) Yosemite NP Rim fire 2013 burned area emergency response plan. Accessed November 22, 2013.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Robert Simmon, using Landsat 8 data from the USGS Earth Explorer.
- Instrument:
- Landsat 8 - OLI
NASA: USA - Yosemite Valley and the Rim Fire Burn Scar - 11.29.13
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