domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Poetry: Richard Brautigan - Haiku Ambulance - I Feel Horrible. She Doesn't - Love Poem - San Francisco - Links

Haiku Ambulance

A piece of green pepper
off the wooden salad bowl:
so what?

I Feel Horrible. She Doesn't

I feel horrible. She doesn't
love me and I wander around
like a sewing machine
that's just finished sewing
a turd to a garbage can lid.

Love Poem

It's so nice
to wake up in the morning
all alone
and not have to tell somebody
you love them
when you don't love them
any more.

San Francisco

This poem was found written on a paper bag by Richard
Brautigan in a laundromat in San Francisco. The author is unknown.

By accident, you put
Your money in my
Machine (#4)
By accident, I put
My money in another
Machine (#6)
On purpose, I put
Your clothes in the
Empty machine full
Of water and no

It was lonely.


Poetry: Richard Brautigan - Haiku Ambulance - I Feel Horrible. She Doesn't - Love Poem - San Francisco - Links

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

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