martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

Music: Fabrizio de André - Sidun - Lyrics

SIDON (or 'Saida' in Arabic)

My baby, oh my baby, my baby,
My own baby
His fleshy ruby lips
in the honey sun
Sweet benign tumor
of your mom
Squeezed in this wet,
sultry, sultry summer
And now, a clot of blood, ears
and milk teeth
And the eyes of soldiers, like mad dogs,
who hunted the lambs
with foam at the mouth
and chased people like game
until they quenched
their wild blood thirst
And after the bars into the throat, the bars of jail,
And in the wounds, the poisonous seed of deportation
So that nothing of us, trees, spikes or children,
May grow any more from the plain to the seashore.
Goodbye, my baby, our heritage
is hidden
in this city that
is burning, is burning
in the evening drawing near
and in this great fire light
for your little death.

Per la traduzione:

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