miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

Music: Angela Gheorghiu - Sacred Romanian Orthodox Church Song

Thanks to PieterdeRooijHolland YouTube Account

When I publish this video it's Good Friday 2008, I guess that's why I turned my attention to this peaceful music, full of mysterious beauty. Listen in stereo (!) via this link:

Famous Romanian soprano Angela Gheorghiu, the Romanian National Chamber Choir "Madrigal" and the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Ion Marin, perform the sacred prayer song 'Priveghiati si va rugati' ('Watch and pray'), a gem from the Romanian Orthodox Church music repertory. The composer is Gheorge Popescu-Branesti.

here are the lines:
priveghiati si va rugati (watch and pray)
ca sa nu cadeti in ispita (that ye enter not into temptation)
sufletul este zelos (the spirit indeed is willing)
iara trupul neputincios (but the flesh is weak)

The recording is from Angela Gheorghiu's album 'Mysterium - Sacred Arias' (2001), that I highly recommend. Buy it and hear more of this great music!

from the liner notes (by Alexander Gerdanovits):
"This music (..) has over the years taken on a deeply spiritual quality for Angela Gheorghiu. Its profound significance had already revealed itself to her in her Romanian childhood home of Adjud, where she and her sister Nina would sing it together. (..) these songs possess great emotional, almost ineffable power for the singer. They evoke for her the mystical aura of Orthodox churches, dominated by incense and candlelight, and the spiritual intimacy of Moldavian monasteries in Northern Romania. They express a reverent awe in the presence of the mysterium fascinans, in which the full plenitude of existence is made manifest, as is the yearning for God. Traditionally they have always been sung by a choir. On this cd they are heard for the first time with orchestral accompaniment, specially created for the recording."

The pictures in my video are mostly beautiful icons and fresco's from orthodox churches and monasteries in Eastern Europe.

Peace for Everyone...

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano. Gracias:)


2 comentarios:

  1. querido amigo, no me alcanza el día para disfrutar de las maravillas que usted nos acerca a diario... estoy justamente estudiando para un examen de canto gregoriano, y es fascinante ver como se han mantenido los tipos de canto en el tiempo y las sutiles o grandes diferencias entre las distintas liturgias... gracias una vez más, y mi mejor sonrisa para usted ...

  2. Gracias Miriam, sé que eres una de las personas que más disfrutas estas cosas un poco fuera de la línea común de la musica que se escucha y/o publicita y hoy te voy a dar otra serie de sorpresas que sé que disfrutarás tu con tu oído y gustos refinados. Pues nada de citas mi desatenciones niña, que te voy a hacer temblar, verás, luego me dices, Te quiero amiga, haz sido paciente y consecuente conmigo, me haz pedido algo y me llamas para cuando te sea cómodo, café hay. :) Me alegran tus palabras, me fortifican, te las agradezco.
