miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

Painter: Salvador Dali - In historical order - En el orden histórico - 1930-35 - Part 1 - 26 images imagenes - Links

 Paranoiac Woman-Horse, 1930

The Bleeding Roses, 1930

 Premature Ossification of a Railway Station, 1930

Shades of Night Descending, 1931

 William Tell, 1930

 Woman Sleeping in a Landscape, 1931

 Portrait of Gala, 1931

The Great Masturbator, 1930

 Remorse or Sunken Sphinx, 1931

1930 Oedipus Complex, 1930

The Feeling of Becoming, 1930

The Font, 1930

Chocolate, circa 1930

Invisible Sleeping Woman, 1930

Diurnal Illusion_ the Shadow of a Grand Piano Approaching, 1931

Vertigo, 1930

Invisible Sleeping Woman, 1930

The Dream, 1931

 Le Spectre et le Fantome, 1931

Portrait of Mr. Emilio Terry (unfinished), 1930

The Average Bureaucrat, 1930

The Old Age of William Tell, 1931

 Partial Hallucination. Six apparitions of Lenin on a Grand Piano, 1931

The Ghost of the Evening, 1930

 The Hand, 1930

The Persistence of Memory, 1931

Painter: Salvador Dali - In historical order - En el orden histórico - 1930-35 - Part 1 - 26 images imagenes - Links



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